Monday, July 7, 2014

And *I'm* the annoying one?

I used to be very proud of (given I didn't think much about) my Sacramento residence.  But as time has marched on, I've grown to actively dislike the area.

There are many reasons I could bore you with, but I'll just focus on one: the superjocks.

I have no problem with people exercising as long as they keep other people's intentions and ability in mind--and properly operate their equipment.  But in the nineteenth fittest city in the country, both are far too much to ask.

I came out to my family in February that I have no problem whatsoever with people of an average body type, or people who are overweight.  The kinds of people I still begrudge are those who are anorexic, and those who are "overly athletic."

The first reason, as I hint at, is that they have no patience for people whose exercise level and ability are less than theirs.  I was never a jock in K-12 school, and I always take my time going up the stairs, but those who take them always go as fast as they can, rushing right by me.  Really?  It's my fault that I was a childhood klutz with bad motor skills?  I have improved, but...

Furthermore, I know bicycles help the environment, but one in twelve people downtown bikes to work.  And do they abide by proper bicycle etiquette?  No!  Most will ride on the sidewalk and the sidewalk alone.  I seem to be the only one who finds it irritating having to step inside.

But according to them, the irritating ones are people who are or would like to be overweight.  I can see why...but

Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand.
(Homer Simpson)

Until I am rich and independent enough to move, and have a partner, I've decided to move to the area that works best for me...the least of the evils...wherever that may be.

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